Welcome to My Emotion Coach!

Welcome to the global virtual office of My Emotion Coach.

Have you ever felt that you needed to “put up a wall”  to protect yourself in a negative or stressful situation? We call this phenomenon the HeartWall.  Sometimes children feel so threatened that they actually need to build a HeartWall to protect themselves from real or imaginary events.  Unfortunately, that invisible wall remains into adulthood and can drastically affect the quality of  life, our finances and relationships.

Often we are not aware of the walls we have built.  Just as our hearts are vulnerable to physiological injury, they are also vulnerable to emotional injury.  People deal with uncomfortable circumstances in many ways:  by attacking, retreating, hiding, or freezing.   Defending or shielding ourselves from emotional pain is an instinctual response.  The heart is the core of our being.   Science shows us that it communicates with the brain, more than the brain communicates with the heart.   An energetic wall of unprocessed negative or fearful emotions may surround the heart and influence the brain.  The subconscious mind has archived all of these trapped emotions, which can also be lodged in various other parts of the body. The HeartWall is the potential seat of the depression, panic and anxiety that many experience today.

Even though an estimated 93% of the population possess a HeartWall, we are meant to live a vibrant healthy life, filled with love and joy.  Love, that most powerful of all the emotions, is both generated by and received by the heart.  Client’s lives and the lives of their loved ones have been completely transformed after having their HeartWalls removed.

We can help you!  Thanks to modern technology we can serve you anywhere in the world.  In 2009 Liggett successfully experienced working overseas via skype on a client’s daughter in Hong Kong, another client’s young grandson in North Carolina, USA, next came Canada, then Japan, then Nicaragua.  We are delighted to be able to connect and make such life changing impacts around the world with Emotion Coaching and energy medicine.

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