AgiHomeopathy for Toxic Free Farming

AgriHomeopathy is the rapidly emerging science of using homeopathy for treating chemical-free horticulture and agriculture. Homeopathy was developed, most notable, by German medical physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnneman, in the early 1800’s. It has proven many successes for the health and wellbeing of people, plants and animals.

Join me in my quest for developing protocols for the removal of Mold, Fungus and Mycotoxins in Farming (and more specifically Aspergillus and it’s carcinogenic Aflatoxins).

They have sneaked into the human food supply as well as that of livestock and pets . No levels of aflatoxin are ‘acceptable levels’ much less a 60/40 mix of contaminated corn for livestock feed. AgriHomeopathy has the potential to remove invisible aflatoxins even in the most unfortunate and unexpected weather conditions.

These molds that produce mycotoxins can become stealth in any part of the body but most notably in the nasal passages, the sinuses, the lungs, the lymphatics and the gut. We know from research that this can be a root cause of anxiety, depression, confusion and cancer. As a clinician, I have seen remarkable results using homeopathy when other types of treatments offered no success.

I am not a farmer. I am a Naturopath (an integrative medicine practitioner), and I might add, without a green thumb. However, I do have an appreciation for quality food, beautiful flowers and good health. Growing up in the 1950’s, the core value of high quality, home cooked, fresh food was instilled in me.

Conquering Aspergillus contamination without chemicals is no longer a fantasy of science fiction. One of my passions for teaching about Aspergillus is fueled by my mother who was diagnosed 30 years ago with Aspergillosis at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Under homeopathic care, she managed to knock it out of the ball park with a ‘bionosode’ homeopathic remedy. This is according to the precepts of ‘homeopathic identicum’ (remember: like treats like). As I watched her heal literally before my very eyes, I became a real believer that day with heightened and elevated confidence!

If you’d like to know more, ask me about my story with an organic vineyard. Click here to get in touch.

The beauty of AgriHomeopathy appears to be almost magical. The problem occurs due to lack of research and scientific understanding.

AgriHomeopathy is non-poisonous, chemical-free, low cost, and available online and at your local homeopathic dispensary. If only people knew about these remedies and the scope of their healing plants and the economic losses that can be saved. Join me to learn many valuable and fascinating insights.

If you are interested in collaborating with me and utilizing me for your research on a property or in a green house, then let’s have a friendly chat.

If you are interested in the forthcoming webinar series about my FlorCura method to reduce insect and disease stress on your plants, then click here.